NEH Consciousness

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Department of Philosophy College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Phone: 843-953-1935
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Program & Readings

Week 1 | Week 2 | Readings

Below you will find the complete program with links to pdf downloads.

Each week morning sessions will begin at 9:30 and afternoon sessions at 2:00. Morning sessions will run 9:30 to 10:45, 30 min break, and 11:15 to 12:30. Most afternoon sessions will run 2:00 to 3:15, 30 min break, and 3:45 to 5:00. Last Friday, June 1, will be scheduled flexibly and will involve workshops and/or presentations by participants.

Most sessions will be paper presentations and will go for 30 min, followed by 45 min of discussion. Some sessions will be designated "read paper in advance," at which the presenter will summarize the main ideas for 15 minutes or so, and then discussion will follow for the remainder of the time. A general discussion is scheduled for Saturday, June 2nd, from 10:00-12:30.

Sunday (5/20/02):
6:30 - 8:00 Orientation: Faculty House (20 Glebe Street)

Week One (May 21-May 25)
Speakers: Miri Albahari, Katalin Balog, Shaun Gallagher, Jonardon Ganeri, Uriah Kriegel, Charles Siewert, William Waldron, and Dan Zahavi

Monday (5/21/02):
8:30 Introduction and Progam Overview
9:30 Ganeri, "The Composition of Consciousness" (Readings: Ganeri 2012, Chapters 1, Chapter 7; Carpenter (forthcoming); Coseru 2012, Chapter 3; Waldron 2002; 2003, Chapter 2).
11:15 Albahari, "How Does Consciousness Relate to No-self in Buddhism?" (Readings: Albahari 2011).
2:00 Kriegel, "Primitive Entertainment".
3:45 Siewert: "Phenomenality and Self-Consciousness" (Readings: Siewert 2012b).

6:00 p.m. Welcome Reception
Venue: Blacklock House (18 Bull Street).

Tuesday (5/22/02):
9:30 Gallagher: "Enactive Intentionality" (Readings: Gallagher 2012b).
11:15 Siderits: "Buddhist Non-self and the Problem of Awareness" (Readings: Siderits 2007, Chapter 3, Chapter 6)
2:00 Waldron: "Buddhist Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Reciprocal Causality between Consciousness, Action, Language, and Self" (Readings: Waldron 2006)
3:45 Balog: "On the Nature of Self-awareness" (Readings: Block 2007).

Wednesday (5/23/02):
9:30 Zahavi, "Subjectivity and Selfhood: Is there a Difference?" (Readings: Zahavi 2010).
11:15 Albahari, What Type of Consciousness Would Nirvāṇa Entail? (Readings: Albahari 2006, Chapter 2)
2:00: Gallagher: "Embodiment and Phenomenal Qualities" (Readings: Gallagher 2012a).
3:45: Thompson: "Contemplative Neuroscience and its Relevance for Philosophical Issues about Consciousness" (Readings: Thompson 2007)

Thursday (5/24/02):
9:30 Kriegel, "The Experiential Origins of Intentionality" (Readings: Kriegel 2012).
11:15 Zahavi: "Self and Other: The Role of Empathy" (Readings: Zahavi 2011).
2:00 Garfield: "Ask Not What Buddhism can do for Cognitive Science; Ask what Cognitive Science can do for Buddhism"

Friday (5/25/02):
9:30 Garfield: "I am a Brain in a Vat (Or Perhaps a Pile of Sticks By the Side of the Road)."
11:15 Coseru: "Taking the Intentionality of Perception Seriously: Why Phenomenology is Inescapable" (Readings: Dreyfus 2007)

Week Two (May 28-June 2)
Speakers: Dan Arnold, David Chalmers, Jonardon Ganeri, Shaun Nichols, Alva Noë, Mark Siderits, Susanna Siegel, Charles Siewert

Monday (5/28/02):
9:30 Thompson: "The Memory Argument for Reflexive Awareness" (Readings: Thompson 2011)
11:00 Chalmers, "Panpsychism and Panprotopsychism" (Readings: Chalmers 2002).
2:00 Nichols, "On the Psychological Origins of Dualism" (Readings: Arico, Fiala, Goldberg and Nichols 2011).
3:45 Arnold: "Svasaṃvitti and the Phenomenology of Temporality: Can self-awareness advance the case for the Buddhist doctrine of momentariness?" (Readings: Arnold 2012, chapter 5)

Tuesday (5/29/02):
9:30 Siegel, "Affordances and Content." (Readings: handout).
11:00 Coseru: "How Thoughts Feel: The Cross-modality of Cognitive Phenomenology" (Readings: Bayne and Montague 2011).
2:00 Ganeri, "Mineness-markers and Mental Files" (Readings: Ganeri 2012, chapter 8, chapter 9).
3:45 Nichols: "Selfless Giving" (Readings: Klein & Nichols)

Wednesday (5/30/02):
9:30 Arnold: "Madhyamaka and the First-Person Perspective: On conventional truth in terms of intentionality—and relatedly, on the most famous Buddhist argument regarding self-awareness" (Readings: Arnold 2010)
11:45 Siderits "Other-Illumination, Non-self and the Meaning of ‘I’" (Readings: Siderits 2011).
2:00 Chalmers, "The Self and the Fall from Eden" (Readings: Chalmers 2003).
3:45 Noë, "The Fragile Manifest" (Readings: Noë 2012a)

Thursday (5/31/02):
9:30 Siegel: "Can Selection Effects on Experience Influence its Rational Role?" (Readings: Siegel and Silins forthcoming).
11:15 Noë: "Catching Ourselves in the Act: The Case of Art" (Readings: Noë 2012b)
2:00 Siewert, "How to Understand ‘What It’s Like’: the Subjectivity of Consciousness" (Readings: Siewert 2012a).

Participant Presentation
3:30 Kassor, "What it is like to be a Buddha?"
4:00 Davis, "Attention and the Qualities of Heart"
4:30 Fridland, "Skillful Means"

Friday (6/01/02):
9:30 Feldman, "Momentariness and Cross-Sensory Recognition"
10:00 Eubanks, "Performing Mind: Zen Literature and Enacting Consciosness"
10:45 Koralus, "A Brief Advertisement for the Erotetic Theory of Attention"
11:15 Lindahl, "Paths to Luminosity"
11:45 Maitra, "Content and Reflexivity"

1:45 McWeeny, "Holding Multiplicity"
2:15 Repetti, "Free Skill: A Research Hypothesis about Medidation , Free Will and Libet's Time Lag"
2:45 Sharf, "Thinking About Not Thinking"
3:30 Spackman, "Neutral Non-Dualism"
4:00 Suhara, "Non-Abinding Mind: Zen Awareness from a Temporal Perspective"
4:30 Tuske, "Methodology and Teaching in Indian Philosophy".

Saturday (6/02/12)
9:00 Guerrero, "Truth for the Rest of Us"
9:30 MacKenzie, "Enacting Wisdom: Phenomenology, Enactivism, and Asian Philosophy"
10:00 Duckworth, "Imagining the Art of No-Self"

11:00-12:30 General Discussion and Award Presentations.

6:00 p.m. Farewell Party
Venue: Blacklock House (18 Bull Street).


List of Readings

For general background, participants should be familiar with the following:

Most of the papers in D'Amato, Garfield, and Tillemans, Pointing at the Moon: Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy (OUP, 2009), and Siderits, Thompson, and Zahavi, Self, No-Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, & Indian Traditions (OUP 2011) provide a good introduction to some core themes of the institute. A good selection of some representative original Buddhist texts is found in Edelglass and Garfield, Buddhist Philosophy: Essential Readings (OUP, 2009), especially Part III and IV. For a useful overview of work at the intersection of Buddhist and Applied Psychology, participants may also consult Nauriyal, Drummond, and Lal, Buddhist Thought and Applied Psychological Research (Routledge, 2006). Finally, the Stanford Enclyclopedia of Philosophy has now several comprehensive entries on major Buddhist philosophers (Nāgārjuna, Vasubandhu, Dharmakīrti, Śāntarakṣita), as well as on schools and themes in Buddhist (and Indian) philosophy (Abhidharma, Mind, Perceptual Experience and Concepts) that are relevant to some of the themes of the institute.

For general background readings in philosophy of mind and phenomenology, participants should be familiar with most of the papers in Chalmers (ed), Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings (OUP, 2002), and Smith and Thomasson, Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind (OUP, 2005). For philosophical approaches to consciousness The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, edited by Velmans and Schneider, offers the best coverage.

For reference, participants may also wish to acquire Schmicking and Gallagher, Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science (Springer, 2010), Bayne, Cleeremans and Wilken, The Oxford Companion to Consciousness (OUP, 2009) and Moscovitch, Thompson and Zelazo, The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness (CUP, 2007).

The list below includes all the background readings for the specific topics/papers in the program. All readings will be available as pdf downloads closer to the start of the summer institute.

Arico, A., B. Fiala, Ro. Goldberg, and S. Nichols. 2011. "The Folk Psychology of Consciousness," Mind & Language, 26 (3): 327-352.
Arnold, Dan. 2010. "Nāgārjuna’s 'Middle Way': A non-eliminative understanding of selflessness," Revue Internationale de Philosophie
3/253: 367–395.
———. 2012. Brains, Buddhas, and Believing: The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy,
of Mind
. New York: Columbia University Press, chapter 5.
Albahari, M. 2006. Analytical Buddhism: The Two-Tiered Illusion of Self. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
———. 2011. "Nirvana and Ownerless Consciousness," in Siderits et al., 79–113.
Bayne, T and M. Montague. 2011. "Cognitive Phenomenology: An Introduction." In Cognitive Phenomenology, edited by T. Bayne and
M. Motague, 1–34. New York: Oxford University Press.
Block, N. 2007. "Consciousness, accessibility, and the mesh between psychology and Neuroscience," Behavioral and Brain Sciences
30: 481–548.
Chalmers, David. 2002. "Consciousness and its Place in Nature." In D. Chalmers, ed. Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary
. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

———. 2003. "Perception and the Fall from Eden." In T. Gendler & J. Hawthorne, eds. Perceptual Experience. Oxford: Oxford University
Campbell, John. 2004. "What is it to Know what ‘I’ Refers to?" The Monist 87 (2): 206-18.
Carpenter, A. D. C. forthcoming. "Persons Keeping Their Karma Together: The Reasons for the Pudgalavāda in Early Buddhism," in
Tanaka, Koji, Deguchi, Yasuo, Priest, Graham and Garfield, Jay (eds), Analytical Philosophy and Asian Thought.
Coseru, Christian. 2012. Perceiving Reality: Consciousness, Intentionality, and Cognition in Buddhist Philosophy. New York: Oxford
University Press, chapter 3.
———. 2015. "Taking the Intentionality of Perception Seriously: Why Phenomenology is Inescapable," Philosophy East and West 65 (3).
Cowherds, The. 2011. Moonshadows: Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dreyfus, Georges. 2007. “Is Perception Intentional? A Preliminary Exploration of Intentionality in Dharmakīrti.” In Pramāṇakirtiḥ: Papers
Dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
, edited by Birgit Kellner, Helmut Krasser, Horst Lasic,
Michael T. Much, and Helmut Tauscher, 95–114. Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studies.
Dreyfus, Georges and Evan Thompson. 2007. "Asian Perspectives: Indian Theories of Mind." In The Cambridge Handbook of
, edited by Moscovitch, M., E. Thompson and P. D. Zelazo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 89–116.

Fiala, B, Adam Arico, and Shaun Nichols. 2012. "On the Psychological Origins of Dualism: Dual-process Cognition and the Explanatory
Gap." In Creating Consilience: Integrating Science and the Humanities, edited by Mark Collard & Edward Slingerland. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Gallagher, Shaun. 2012a."Embodiment and Phenomenal Qualities: An Enactive Interpretation." Philosophical Topics.
———.2012b. "Neo-pragmatism and Enactive Intentionality." In Action, Perception and the Brain, edited by J. Schulkin. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Galloway, Brian. 1980. "A Yogācāra Analysis of the Mind, Based on the vijñāna Section of Vasubandhu's Pañca-skandhaka-prakaraṇa
with Guṇaprabhā’s Commentary," Journal of the International Association for Buddhist Studies 3.2: 7–20.
Ganeri, Jonardon. 1999. "Self-Intimation, Memory and Personal Identity." Journal of Indian Philosophy 27: 469–83.
———. 2007. The Concealed Art of the Soul: Theories of Self and Practices of Truth in Indian Ethics and Epistemology. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
———. 2012. The Self: Naturalism, Consciousness, and the First-Person Stance. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Garfield, Jay. forthcoming"Ask Not What Buddhism can do for Cognitive Science; Ask what Cognitive Science can do for Buddhism," Tibet Review.
Kramer, Jowita. 2008. "On Sthiramati’s Pañca-skandhaka-vibhāṣā: a Preliminary Survey," Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture
and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā
27: 149-72.

Kriegel, Uriah. 2012. "The Phenomenal Intentionality Research Program." In Phenomenal Intentionality: New Essays, edited by
Kriegel, U. New York: Oxford University Press.
Noë, Alva. 2012. Varieties of Presence. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Priestley, Leonard. 1999. Pudgalavāda Buddhism: The Reality of the Indeterminate Self. Toronto: Centre for South Asian Studies.
Siderits, Mark. 2007. Buddhism as Philosophy: An Introduction. Aldershot: Ashgate.
———. 2011. "Buddhas as Zombies: A Buddhist Reduction of Subjectivity," in Siderits, Thompson, and Zahavi, pp. 308–332.
Siderits, Mark, Evan Thompson, and Dan Zahavi, eds. 2011. Self, No-Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and
Indian Traditions
. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Siegel, Susanna and Nicholas Silins. forthcoming. "The Epistemology of Perception." In Oxford Handbook on the Philosophy of
, edited by Mohan Matthen. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Siewert, Charles. 2012a. "On the Phenomenology of Introspection." In Introspection and Consciousness, edited by Smithies, Declan
and Daniel Stoljar. New York: Oxford University Press.
———. 2012b. "Respecting appearances: A phenomenological approach to consciousness." In The Oxford Handbook of
Contemporary Phenomenology
, edited by D. Zahavi. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Stanley, Klein & Nichols, Shaun. forthcoming. "Memory and the Sense of Personal Identity." Mind.
Strawson, Galen. 2008. "What is the Relation Between an Experience, the Subject of the Experience, and the Content of the
Experience?" in Strawson, G. Real Materialism and Other Essays. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Thompson, Evan. 2007. "Meditation and the Neuroscience of Consciousness: An Introduction." In Cambridge Handbook of
, edited by Zelato, P. M., M. Moscovitch, and E. Thompson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

———. 2011. "Self-No-Self ? Memory and Reflexive Awareness." In Siderits et al., 157–175.
Waldron, William S. 2002. "Buddhist Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Thinking about ‘Thoughts Without a Thinker’," Eastern Buddhist 34.1:
———. 2003. The Buddhist Unconscious: The Ālaya-vijñāna in the Context of Indian Buddhist Thought. London: Routledge.
———. 2006. "The Co-arising of Self and Object, World, and Society: Buddhist and Scientific Approaches." In Buddhist Thought and
Applied Psychological Research: Transcending the Boundaries
, edited by Nauriyal, D. K., M. Drummond, Y. B. Lal. London:
RoutledgeCurzon, 175–208.
Zahavi, D. 2010. "Empathy, Embodiment and Interpersonal Understanding: From Lipps to Schutz." Inquiry 53: 3, 285–306.
——— 2011. "The Experiential Self: Objections and Clarifications" in Siderits et al. 56–78.